Bronco Nation Update 11/6/2023

Dr. Bonneau's Weekly Broncos in the Know Newsletter from 11/3/23.

An admissions counselor with Texas Wesleyan University will be available during all lunches to share what their University has to offer.  Please feel free to stop by the Texas Wesleyan table during your lunch on Friday, 11/10.

Are books your thing? Do you often find yourself wanting to talk about your current read?  Come be with your people. Book Club meets in the Library every Tuesday during advisory.

Attention Seniors. Jostens will be on campus taking your announcement and cap and gown orders on Thursday, November 9th. You will need to bring your first payment to place your order. Extra packets are in the main office if you need one. If you have not yet purchased your class ring, you can order your ring at this time as well. Design your ring at, print your order form and bring it with your other forms. 

Toys for Tots has officially begun! Toys can be donated to any of our donation drop off locations around campus. Bring a toy or pay $3 online to get a ticket to our Staff vs Student Basketball game on November 16!
The Broncos Set The Table has begun!  The Advisory and club who raises the most cans will win cocoa and cookies or an ice cream party for their class.  Must have a minimum of 30 cans to win.  We are needing Thanksgiving food items - cornbread mix, stuffing, pumpkin, green beans, etc. All donations must be received by Wednesday, November 15, 2023. 

We are celebrating Veterans Day with a luncheon on Friday, November 10, 2023 during all lunches. If you have a family member who has served in the US Armed Forces please sign up to bring them to this special lunch. 

Juniors and Seniors:
Are you considering UTA as one of your college options or just want to learn more about UTA?  Join us for UTA in MISD Night.  Event will be November 8th at the Dr.  Jim Vaszauskas Center for the Performing Arts from 6 PM- 8 PM.  There will be an admissions presentation, financial aid presentation, student panel, UTA Academic Department Fair and an Application Station for seniors with an Application Fee Waiver.  This is a great time to learn more about your program of interest and get that application completed!  

Join MISD for upcoming Parent University Classes: 11/10, & 11/14:



