When are AP Tests? Click on the AP Exam Schedule to see dates, times, and locations.
Everything AP Testing (emailed to students).
What do I need to know about AP Testing? Click on the AP Bulletin for Parents and Students for more details about exams, how to prepare, what to bring, and more.
How will I get my AP scores after testing? Click on the AP Online Score Info page for a step-by-step explanation of how to sign up for instant access to your scores when they are released in July.
Advanced/AP Course Information and Documents
Commitment Letter
Entry and Exit
Student Profile
Schedule Change Process Flowchart
Want to know more about AP? Watch the video and learn how AP classes at Legacy High School help prepare students to be successful at the next level.
College Board AP Website
The College Timeline
Big Future, by the College Board
Finding colleges, paying for college, making a plan
Website to receive AP Test Scores: http://www.collegeboard.org/ap-scores.html
You may contact Julie Gross, should you have questions about AP testing.